Halo: The Master Chief Collection - Neuer Patch mit Matchmaking-Fixes veröffentlicht

Der Entwickler 343 Industries hat einen weiteren Patch für Halo: The Master Chief Collection veröffentlicht, der vor allem die aktuellen Probleme beim Matchmaking beheben soll.

Mithilfe eines neuen Updates will 343 Industries die Probleme beim Matchmaking in Halo: The Master Chief Collection beheben. Mithilfe eines neuen Updates will 343 Industries die Probleme beim Matchmaking in Halo: The Master Chief Collection beheben.

Das Team von 343 Industries hat einen weiteren Patch für die Shooter-Sammlung Halo: The Master Chief Collection veröffentlicht. Dieses neue Update soll vor allem die aktuellen Probleme beim Matchmaking beheben.

Des Weiteren nimmt der 523 MByte große Patch einige Änderungen an der Multiplayer-Lobby sowie der Benutzeroberfläche vor und verbessert die allgemeine Stabilität der einzelnen Spiele. Auch bei den Achievements haben die Entwickle nochmals Hand angelegt. Hier die vollständigen Patch-Notes in der Übersicht:

Patch-Notes für Halo: The Master Chief Collection


Made improvements to the way the matchmaking system handles player matching
Made improvements to the team selection process to improve team balancing
Made an update to the party system to improve searching with parties (2+ players)
Made further improvements to how matchmaking progress is communicated to the player
Made an update to ensure that players do not enter a non-joinable state after searching for a match
Made an update to ensure that the “Game Session” UI does not persist after leaving a matchmaking lobby
Resolved a variety of incorrectly displayed matchmaking prompts
Improved matchmaking roster presentation during team creation phase to remove roster flickering
Corrected a “connecting to host” message that incorrectly displayed during the matchmaking searching phase
Made an update to ensure that FFA players do not appear as if they are on the red team in the pre-game lobby

Party, Lobby, and Custom Games

Made an update to ensure that custom game settings persist between matches
Made an update to ensure that player’s player emblems load correctly when returning to lobby
Made an update to improve nameplate and emblem display
Improved the display of emblems in the “Games Session Details” screen
Made improvements to parties to ensure that parties are merged when the host joins another player and “brings party”
Made an update to improve party stability after completing a matchmaking game
Made an update to ensure that players are joinable after playing a matchmaking game


Made a variety of updates to improve UI stability
Resolved stability issues that occurred while viewing medals in “Player Details”
Made an update to prevent stability issues caused by controller disconnects
Made an update to improve post-game-carnage-report stability
Made an update to address in-game stability for Halo 2
Improved matchmaking stability while searching with parties (2+ players)
Addressed a crash that could occur after searching in the Halo 2: Anniversary Rumble playlist
Resolved a variety of miscellaneous stability issues to improve overall performance


  • Made an update to ensure that the “Zealot” achievement is unlockable

» Den Test von Halo: The Master Chief Collection auf GamePro.de lesen

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