When hole is too wide to jump over, Aska can use her ninja skills to run on the wall to the other side
Aska seems to possess certain unique abilities just as Ice, but her approach to things is slightly different
Taking on multiple opponents
Ice performing her unique jump-and-shoot stunt
No matter the technology, sometimes it's brute force that opens the next door
Ingame options screen lets you browse your weapons, items, game options and such
Due to a bit different movement controls, Ice will aim towards her target in the quickest way without fully turning
Enemy on sight, no time for second thoughts
Your contact will give you a few hints to get your started
Arriving at the scene of... ahem, my own intrusion, ready to face the badguys
Aiming at the adjacent building... the point for your first mission
Ice is everything but cold when not in the field on a mission
It's amazing how Konami managed to shed the intense light just on the right spots during the showering scene
Opening credits show some animation movies of Aska and Ice
Starting the new game as Aska, a female ninja
Starting the new game as Ice, the weapons specialist
Main menu
Ice in the opening cinematic
Aska in the opening cinematic
Main title
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