CoD Black Ops Cold War: Macher hören auf Fans & passen Beta an

Die Patch Notes zur Call of Duty Black Ops: Cold War-Beta sind da. Hier seht ihr, was sich alles im Vergleich zur Alpha verändert hat.

Call of Duty Black Ops: Cold War legt mit einer Beta-Phase los, die sich laut den Patch Notes viel Kritik aus der Alpha zu Herzen genommen hat. Call of Duty Black Ops: Cold War legt mit einer Beta-Phase los, die sich laut den Patch Notes viel Kritik aus der Alpha zu Herzen genommen hat.

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War startet heute in die erste Phase der Beta. Bis zum Release bleibt nicht mehr viel Zeit, darum ist davon auszugehen, dass es sich dabei eher um eine Demo als um eine echte Beta handelt. Die sogenannte Alpha dürfte allerdings sehr wohl diesen Zweck erfüllt haben. Wie die Patch Notes zu den Unterschieden zwischen Alpha und Beta zeigen, hört Entwickler*innenstudio Treyarch wohl auf sehr viel Fan-Feedback, das es zum Alpha-Gameplay gab.

CoD Black Ops Cold War-Macher passen Beta an Fan-Feedback der Alpha an

Die Alpha-Testphase von Call of Duty Black Ops: Cold War war offenbar für beide Seiten ein voller Erfolg. Die Entwickler*innen bekommen Feedback zu ihrem Spiel und die Fans können sich darüber freuen, dass das zum Großteil wohl auch umgesetzt wird.

Was genau sich da verändert hat, könnt ihr ab heute auch schon selbst ausprobieren (zumindest, wenn ihr Black Ops Cold War für die PS4 vorbestellt habt).

Alle Infos zur Betaphase und wer wann genau wie und wo spielen darf, findet ihr hier:

Die größten Änderungen: Treyarch hat fast an allen Aspekten des Spiels geschraubt. So wurden sowohl das Movement als auch Waffen-Verhalten, Balance, Steuerung, die Waffenschmiede, Attachments für eure Knarren, die Grafik, der Sound, die Spawns und das Scorestreak-System angepasst.

  • Sniper-Gewehre: Die Scharfschützen-Waffen waren absichtlich zu stark und sind jetzt offenbar deutlich generft worden. Dafür gibt es jetzt Aim-Assist für Controller-Spieler*innen
  • Movement, Sliden & Sprints: Ihr könnt jetzt schneller losrennen und seid entsprechend dynamischer unterwegs. Aber es dauert länger, bis ihr sliden könnt
  • Waffen & Gunsmith: Bessere Animationen, bessere Balance, bessere Erklärungen für Aufsätze und ihre Auswirkungen, Feintuning an ADS, Rückstoß & Co
  • Grafik & Performance: Alles soll besser aussehen und flüssiger laufen, als es noch in der Alpha der Fall war
  • Sound: Ihr solltet jetzt kaum noch hörbar sein, wenn ihr geduckt lauft und euch während ihr ADS nutzt praktisch lautlos bewegen
  • Scorestreaks: Das komplette System wurde angepasst und soll jetzt zum Beispiel mehr Punkte für das Objective-basierte Spielen bringen
  • Spawns: Auch hier wurde auf die Alpha-Kritik gehört und auf 6v6-Karten sollen die Spawns jetzt so liegen, dass ihr schneller wieder Action habt

 CoD Black Ops Cold War-Beta bringt Ping-Feature und FOV-Slider Call of Duty Black Ops: Cold War führt mit der Beta auch auf PS4 und Xbox One endlich einen FOV-Slider sowie ein Ping-System ein.

Das sind die Beta-Patch Notes im englischsprachigen Original:

(Quelle: Treyarch)


We've made a large tuning pass on core movement with the goal of improving the responsiveness of player controls and actions. We've identified several key areas in our core movement set for improvements, largely focused on sprinting and sliding:

  • Core MovementIntegrated updated locomotion animations and systems for walking, jogging, and sprinting.Slightly increased acceleration when moving from a standstill.
  • SprintingReduced or removed several sprint penalties that could leave the player in a state of reduced sprint speed. This results in more opportunities to use the Sprint Takeoff feature for a quick burst of speed when initiating a sprint.Increased the time it takes to ramp down from maximum to minimum sprint speed for a smoother change of speed. This also slightly increases the time at which a player sprints at a faster pace.Slightly adjusted camera bob during sprint to better align with updated movement animations.Disabled Field of View increase when sprinting. This should provide a smoother in-game view and prevent a "floating camera" feeling when sprinting.
  • SlidingSlightly reduced slide speed.Increased the minimum amount of time a player must sprint before sliding to better align with time to reach max sprint speed. This means a player cannot immediately trigger a slide from a near-standstill.Addressed an issue that allowed players to cancel a slide without the appropriate slowdown. We will continue to monitor and investigate any slide-cancel exploits.


We've refined our weapons tech and animations since the Alpha, completed numerous tuning and tweaking passes on our weapons, and added more details to attachment statistics in Gunsmith. We've also made several positive changes to how sniper rifles work based on Alpha data and feedback.

Sniper rifles are a key component of Black Ops combat, and in some ways more relevant than ever in Black Ops Cold War. With support for large maps and game modes, as well as cross-platform play, sniping can be an effective and often extremely powerful play style. To balance out cross-play sniping, we've brought back aim assist for snipers on controllers - something we haven't had in Black Ops Multiplayer since Black Ops 2.

The data from our Alpha proved to us that even without cross-play or larger maps, sniper rifles were still dominant on smaller maps. As a result, we've made some adjustments to bring them back into balance for the Beta, and look forward to seeing what the community can do with these finely tuned precision weapons.

Here's the list of changes to weapons and Gunsmith statistics:

  • GunsmithAdded a more detailed breakdown of statistics for each attachment, explaining in detail how each attachment influences its weapon's stats.Moved the Gunsmith UI button closer to the weapon for easier access.
  • Recoil and Firing AnimationsAdded new weapon recoil systems and firing animations with a comprehensive tuning pass for a revamped weapon firing feel on every weapon for both hip-fire and ADS.Reworked and rebalanced all recoil patterns, impacting weapon balance and mastery across the board.Full touch-up pass on animations across all weapons based on feedback.
  • Aim Down Sights (ADS)Added new ADS weapon rendering technology for more realistic ADS perspective.Smoothed out all ADS in/out transitions.
  • General Weapon TuningMade tuning changes to Alpha weapons that overperformed or underperformed, including increases to AK-74u recoil and ADS time, increasing LMG ammo capacity, and more.
  • Attachment TuningFull attachment balance pass to ensure all attachments stay relevant and balanced.
  • Sniper RiflesAdded aim assist on snipers for controller users for cross-platform balancing.Several precision-aiming adjustments to help the sniping experience feel more fluid.Sniper glint now displays more often and more reliably to help players understand when they are in danger.Adjusted ADS time on sniper rifles.Sniper rifles now requires higher hits on the body for one-hit eliminations (for example, upper chest instead of stomach, or upper arm instead of lower arm).
  • Frag GrenadesReduced the fuse time on the Frag Grenade for Beta. Throw speed adjustments are targeted for launch.


We've made several graphical improvements throughout the Beta, and we've responded to player feedback about low visibility in some areas of the Miami map. With our latest changes, players should be able to spot enemies more clearly on Miami.

  • GraphicsImproved graphical fidelity and performance across the board.
  • Lighting / VisibilityAdjusted lighting and character visibility throughout the Miami map for better overall visibility based on player feedback.


The audio team has made several crucial improvements to weapon sounds between the Alpha and Beta, and continues to work on further enhancements for launch. Footstep audio design and its interaction with the Ninja Perk have also been tuned significantly for players who like to keep it stealthy.

  • Weapon AudioAdded bass and punch to all weapon sounds by adjusting master EQ and compression output.Added 3 presets to Audio Settings (Treyarch Mix, Bass Boost, and High Boost) to suit player preferences.Redesigned several weapon audio layers, corrected audio decay playback, and added blending for interior/exterior sounds.Polished reverb audio across all maps.
  • FootstepsCrouch-walking now functions as a near-silent movement option available to all players, with or without the Ninja Perk.ADS crouch-walking now makes the player's footstep audio even quieter. Enemies should not hear the player when crouching outside of extreme close quarters.While Ninja is equipped, core movements such as sprinting, jogging, and walking are now greatly reduced in volume and distance by roughly 50% compared to the Alpha.ADS walking will also provide a significant stealth advantage when using Ninja.
  • Hit Marker AudioAdded new sounds for fatal and non-fatal hit markers.
  • Scorestreak AudioGeneralPolished audio for several Scorestreaks.Spy Plane AudioReduced the volume of the Spy Plane's locational pings.For the first time in a Black Ops game, Spy Plane pings are directional and locational based on where an enemy is when they are swept by the radar, allowing for pinpoint accuracy. As this is a new mechanic, we will continue to monitor and adjust as necessary.
  • Bullet CrackTweaked the bullet crack system to prevent players from hearing sounds when they shouldn't, and vice versa.


We've increased the score reward for a number of objective-based game modes and objective score events to further incentive playing the objective in the Beta. These changes are in service of rewarding players of all playstyles fairly, whether it's the slayers out in the dunes of Satellite or the OBJ players holding down Hardpoints in the jungles of Cartel.

Our philosophy acknowledges that players put themselves at considerable risk for playing the objective, and we don't want the risk of losing a streak to disincentivize objective play. At the same time, we want to avoid allowing players to "game the system" by waiting for streaks to build up before capturing objectives, which is why objectives don't count in streak multipliers.

As we continue to gather data and feedback on the new Scorestreak system and kill-streaking mechanics, the changes below reward objective players and require slayers to stick to their role more carefully to ramp their score up. We recognize that there are hybrid styles that achieve both, and this system rewards players for the play style they gravitate to the most.

  • Scorestreak SystemObjective score rewards have been increased in Domination, Kill Confirmed, and Hardpoint. These changes will reward any objective player and do not require or reward objective streaking.Adjusted Scorestreak rewards to reduce Scorestreak spam and make Scorestreaks more rewarding. Players will need to go on higher streaks in a single life to earn top-tier Scorestreaks. The curve has been flattened out on the low end, and ramps up quickly as the player earns higher kill-streak numbers.Reduced Scorestreak cooldowns to offset these changes and allow players to cycle through Scorestreaks more often.


We heard from several players during the Alpha that they felt it took too long to get into the action in 6v6 game modes on Miami. To address this, the design team has adjusted the spawns and spawn logic across multiple modes to ensure a faster time to engagement on the map.

  • MiamiFull spawn pass for Team Deathmatch and Kill Confirmed modes on Miami with the goal of reducing the time to engagement and increasing the overall pace of 6v6 game modes.Spawns at the ends of the map have been pulled in closer.Added new spawns to get players back into the fight faster.Adjusted the spawn logic to reduce the distance at which an enemy player will influence the enemy team's spawn points.
  • MoscowAdded spawns across several modes to allow for more safe spawns in relation to enemy player locations at the time of a respawn.
  • ArmadaReduced how often players can be spawned at the rear of their home ship to reduce travel time back to engagements.
  • CrossroadsAdjusted Combined Arms: Domination spawn logic and spawn placement to keep players spawning closer to their owned objectives, reducing time to engagement and getting players back into the action faster.
  • SatelliteAdjusted spawn logic to allow for slightly easier spawn-flipping in certain modes instead of a team becoming spawn-trapped for an extended period.


Vehicle vs. infantry combat is a dynamic we work hard to balance out for both parties. We've made substantial adjustments for this combat loop in the Beta, and will continue to dial this in for launch.

  • Vehicle Damage TuningReworked the bullet damage mitigation model for Tanks to provide a more consistent experience across weapon classes. This fixes issues where some guns seemed inordinately more powerful against vehicles than others.Adjusted the "Cavalry Lancer" weapon attachment to be more consistent across weapons, especially on LMGs. We will continue to keep a close eye on tuning this for launch.
  • TanksReduced Tank health to make launchers and C4 more effective counters.Reduced the deadliness of the Tank shell's splash damage.


  • Character ModelsAddressed an issue where a player disconnecting from the match during the loading sequence could result in that player's character displaying an unnatural pose at the start of the game.
  • AK-74uThe AK-74u's reload animations will no longer appear to skip.
  • RC-XDCalled in the Fun Police to address an issue that allowed players to ride around on a teammate's RC-XD. Sorry.
  • Gunboat and WakerunnerFixed an issue where Wakerunners being deployed from a ship's davits could cause the Gunboat to be flung into the ocean.
  • Motion BlurAddressed an issue where the Motion Blur setting would not properly retain its settings.
  • Moscow WindowAddressed an issue where a player could become stuck when sliding through a window in Moscow.
  • MantlingTuned mantling at tall heights to ensure they are performed at a more natural speed.Where necessary, map designs will be updated to restrict areas where mantling is not intended.
  • Moving Before Match StartAddressed an issue that could allow players to begin moving before the match countdown timer had ended.
  • "Invisible" WeaponsAddressed an issue that could display an invisible third weapon when exiting a vehicle, preventing the player from being able to use any of their weapons.
  • After Action ReportAddressed an issue that would show incorrect Scoreboards in the After Action Report.
  • StabilityAddressed various stability issues encountered during the Alpha.


  • Ping SystemAdded locational Ping system across all MP modes, allowing players to ping objectives, loot, locations, and enemies for teammates during a match using D-pad left on controllers or Z on keyboards by default.Alternate button layouts, like Bumper Ping and Bumper Ping Tactical, can be selected in the Gameplay Settings menu.
  • FOV Slider on All PlatformsAdded Field of View (FOV) slider on all platforms to define the height and width of the player's view in Settings.
  • HUD Visual TogglesAdded the ability to toggle visuals for the compass, enemy and ally health bars, hit markers, crosshairs, player names, and button hints in Settings.
  • Name PlatesAdjusted the ruleset around when friendly player names would show to reduce instances where friendly name plates would appear over enemies in certain situations.
  • Deadzones / Minimum Input ThresholdExpanded the options to reduce minimum stick input threshold (or "deadzone") to 0.NOTE: Setting this to 0 is only recommended for advanced users. Depending on controller hardware, setting this to low values can cause "stick drift", which can engage the stick even when no input is given.
  • Kill Confirmed Score LimitOur data from Alpha showed that Kill Confirmed was ending on time limit too frequently in the Alpha, so we've reduced the score limit to 65 for the Beta.
  • Start Spawn "Soft Freeze"We've enabled the ability for players to rotate their Operator, swap weapons, ADS, and changes stances during the pre-round timer.
  • ProgressionWe'll be introducing a deep progression system synchronized across Multiplayer, Zombies, and Warzone that deserves its own time in the spotlight, and we'll have more details in a dedicated blog as we get closer to launch. While players won't see this full progression system in the Beta, you'll be able to rank up to certain levels to unlock additional content throughout both Beta weekends.

Auf welche Änderungen wartet ihr noch sehnsüchtig? Was hättet ihr gern anders gehabt? Was stört euch davon vielleicht, worüber freut ihr euch?

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